Rodrigo Alonso contactoEspañolEnglish

Professor and free-lance curator.

Master’s Degree in Fine Arts, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentine, specialized in contemporary art and new media.
Professor at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Universidad del Salvador (USal) and the National University of Arts (IUNA), Buenos Aires, Argentine. Professor and member of the Advisor Committee at the Master on Curatorial and Cultural Practices in Art and New Media, Media Centre of Art and Design (MECAD), Barcelona, Spain. Guest lecturer at mayor universities, international congresses and forums in Latin America and Europe.
Writer, reviewer and contributor for books, art magazines and catalogues. Regular contributor for Ámbito Financiero (Argentine newspaper) and (International art magazine based in Spain). Books include: Muntadas. Con/Textos (Buenos Aires, 2002), Ansia y Devoción (Buenos Aires, 2003) and Jaime Davidovich. Video Works. 1970-2000 (New York, 2004).
Curator of contemporary art exhibitions at the most important art venues in Argentine and Latin America, and some international institutions.
Lives and works in Buenos Aires and Barcelona.
